Wellness & Benefits

Karen Kyle


The concept of individual health is a dynamic process meaning that your level of health is always changing. We all have times of very good health and times of sickness – even serious illness. As our lifestyles change so does the level of our health.

Those of us who participate in regular physical activity do so partly to improve the current and future level of our health – we strive toward an optimal state of well-being. As our lifestyle improves, our health also improves, and we experience less disease and sickness.

Wellness is the search for enhanced quality of life as well as for personal growth and potential through positive lifestyle behaviors and attitudes. If we take responsibility for our own level of health and wellbeing, then we try to improve our health on a daily basis. Certain factors influence our state of wellness. Improved nutrition, physical activity, stress coping methods and good relationships can all affect our “wellness”.

Each day we work towards maximizing our level of health and wellness, so that we will live long, full and healthy lives.

Whether you are just getting started with an exercise program, have been in an exercise slump, or simply want to start leading a less sedentary life, Disability Fitness will help you reach your physical goals in a safe, fun and motivational way.

I look forward to meeting you and can’t wait to assist you in your wellness goals!

Training Benefits for New Clients

Exercise will develop an improved cardiovascular profile including lowering resting and exercise heart rate, blood pressure and stress on the heart.

Regular activity will develop good skill level in balance, agility, power and self esteem.

Exercise improves posture and alignment and improves the ability to perform existing skills.

You have a reduced risk of injury associated with daily living and recreational activities.

Exercise promotes an overall feeling of well being, freedom and quality of life.

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