
Karen Kyle

Because of her dedication and determination I have become healthier, more confident and have developed better posture and coordination. She has also assisted me with the development of new physical mobility skills.

I continue to strengthen existing abilities and develop new skills as I move forward toward maintaining and improving my physical and fitness goals.

Thank you Karen for your part in my current success.

Susan Cavanaugh

Civil Aviation Services Support


Karen provided us with an exceptional exercise program that was perfectly tailored to the needs and abilities of our group. Her extensive amount of knowledge with both fitness and physical disabilities was evident through her innovative adjustments to fit the various levels of mobility. Her high energy level and warm disposition helped her quickly build excellent rapport with each member. She also took the time to give one on one support to those who had severely limited abilities. Throughout the exercise program she was patient, innovative, and kept us motivated. The skills that she taught were effective, yet simple enough to be easily repeated on our own time.  This new knowledge will continue to make a huge difference in the physical health of these individuals who otherwise would not have a chance to learn to do so. Her passion and genuine care for both, the consumers and fitness were evident and made the whole experience such a positive one.

Melissa Comparelli

Communication Enrichment Facilitator for North Yorkers for Disabled Persons





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